
Ordinary Film

It can preserve heat and soil moisture, improve light utilization ratio, speed up the degeneration of organic substance, keep the soil loose and ventilated, prevent the soil from splashing to crops during rainfall, and is effective in preventing and controlling pests and diseases of crops.

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湟中县| 常宁市| 平顶山市| 河间市| 延津县| 海宁市| 双鸭山市| 景泰县| 射洪县| 海林市| 岳普湖县| 芦溪县| 兴业县| 盐山县| 达孜县| 六安市| 西林县| 南郑县| 滦南县| 磴口县| 金坛市| 兴化市| 勃利县| 辽源市| 德兴市| 邹城市| 景洪市| 富顺县| 姜堰市| 德惠市| 馆陶县| 海丰县| 光山县| 台中县| 天峨县| 杭州市| 滦平县| 郴州市| 陆丰市| 布尔津县| 阜新|